Tuesday, March 25, 2014

One month.. how can it be?

Millie.... we have to find a way to make time slow down.  You turned one month old on Sunday...  Unacceptable!!
At one month old you like to: GRUNT..A LOT :) (your daddy says you get that from me), kick, coo, EAT, sleep, wave your arms, sleep with your mouth open (like your TONE TONE), lay on your lamb, smile... did I mention you like to EAT? and you certainly let us know when it is time!!
I love to watch you sleep, rocking you, kissing your big cheeks, dressing you up, staring in amazement at your tiny (but long) hands, giving you a bath, putting lotion on your, brushing your hair, and watching the BAGILLION faces you make!

I don't even know where to begin trying to explain the feelings I have about the month we just experienced.  I have loved your daddy for over three years, but I have never had so much love in my heart for him as I do when I watch him with you.  Of course, he doesn't like to be told what to do and he likes to pick on you, but he loves you with every thing he has.  He loves you so well.  He is completely enthralled with your existence, and that makes me fall in love with him all over again every night.  Last night I was talking to him about how I feel like I have rushed through every stage of my life up until this point, and all I want right now is to SLOW down and cherish every single second I have with you.  I think he was REALLY listening to me (that's unusual ;0) because when he was playing with you last night I caught him looking at you in the mirror and crying.  See, I told you he loves you so well.
Of course, I think I love you more :)... Every day that I have gotten to stay at home with you has been the most amazing blessing I've ever experienced.  I could sit and watch you all day, but I know that social services would eventually take you away from me because of the mess of a house we would have!  Seeing your smile melts my heart in a way I never knew was possible.  The sweet coo you make when you close your lips up into a tiny little o shape is the most precious sound I've ever heard.  I am so uncertain why the Lord chose me to receive such a precious gift, but I thank Him every time I think about it.

Yesterday when I was rocking you I started to tell you about Jesus.  I told you about how much God loves you and that He loves us so much that He sent the ultimate gift to this earth to rescue us all.  I also told you that without God we wouldn't have this time together and your existence wouldn't even be possible.

Isn't it amazing how HE loves us?  His love for us is so selfless, so pure, so mighty, so beautiful, so reliable, never-ending, unchanging.. and on and on.. His love for us is natural.  We don't have to win it or beg for it.  My prayer for you since before I even knew I was pregnant was that you would love and trust the Lord at an early age.  That you would devote your life to seeking and glorifying him.  I continue to pray that over you.  I pray that you would see the beauty in following Him and that you would turn to Him when life isn't so beautiful.  I also pray that your daddy and I would be Godly examples for you daily through our words, but most importantly, through our actions.  I also selfishly pray that you'll actually like me when you grow up ;))).. ha... but really--maybe not in those exact words, but you get the point!

We love you, Millie Everett & are so excited for this journey of life with you! I am so thankful to be your momma!!

Here are some pics of us trying to get the "perfect" shot on your one month birthday.  (daddy went all photographer mode and set the whole thing up)

and.. our favorite :)

a few other favorites from this month

(our first trip out was to see daddy at work)

(this was your first "sponge bath"... you peed all over me :)

(our first trip out was to see daddy at work) 

told ya you sleep a lot and that you make a bagillion different faces :)

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