Friday, April 18, 2014

the weight of every curse upon Him...

This morning I was feeding millie with music shuffling on the computer.  We have an unhealthy amount of kari jobe on our iTunes account so it was no surprise to me that her song Forever came on. I have listened to this song on repeat so many times that i think i may have become numb to the words and their meaning and i hate that.  this song is the most beautiful testament to the crucifixion story in my eyes aside from the Bible.  it so amazingly paints the picture of what a beautiful yet excruciating debt Jesus paid for MY sins.  This morning I wasn't really paying attention to what song was on, but I heard the words "The weight of every curse upon Him"..(or so that's what I thought the song said)...That's where this post comes in.
(forgive my lack of capitalization & typos.. i'm typing most of this with one hand as millie sleeps on my chest :)).  As I sit here staring at her pure and innocent face (and might I add the most adorable face I've ever seen :)), I have this overwhelming conviction that she won't be pure forever.  we are all sinners and someday very soon my daughter will be pulled in by sin--the Bible says we are all born sinners.  no matter how much i pray for her protection from sin she will sin.  As heartbreaking as that is to me, i know that that sin is what is going to form her testimony and make her who she will be and provide gateways to share the Lord's story with the world.  And oh how I pray she will be that light among this dark world.  That's not what this post is about, though.
While i was sitting here thinking about her innocence, I realized that I was once a baby.  I was once that baby that my parents were praying for.  I was once pure--without sin.  it didn't take long, though for me to be tempted and to become the sinner that Jesus paid it all for.  Thankfully, He did pay it all... for ME. NOW I AM A SINNER SAVED BY GRACE.  As the old hymn says "When he was on the cross, I was on his mind".  What a wonderful promise that is and how numbing that is at the same time.  There's no way for me to ever know what a sacrifice took place on  Calvary or what pain He must have felt.  Pain that i will never have to endure.  Does the word pain even do what he felt justice?
 Isaiah 53:4 says:"Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted."  NO... he wasn't being punished by God.. God SENT him.. his sinless, most pure and innocent son to SAVE the world.  To suffer the lowest of all deaths for Me and for You.... 
Today on the anniversary of Jesus' death on the cross (more than 2000 years ago) I am thankful and I rejoice in the hope that he brought to the world.  As he was breathing in pain and suffering He thought of me.  Let us not be mistaken... He did not HAVE to take on our sins or die on that cross.  The Lord could have rescued him at any moment.  He could have rescued him as they nailed his hands and feet to that heavy wooden cross.  He could have rescued him as he carried the cross all the way to the hill of Calvary  and every time he stumbled.  He could have rescued him from the pain of the crown of thorns that he bore for hours.  He could have rescued him from the lashes of the whip that cut into his side.  He also could have rescued him as he took each breath and then collapsed onto the nails holding up his feet and tore through his skin a little more.  BUT HE DIDN'T.  Jesus remained on the cross until his last breath..... with which he breathed the words "Father, forgive them.  For they know not what they do."  -LUKE 23:34
WHAT????  With His final breath after suffering through all of that and more He asked for forgiveness of my sins?  Sins I hadn't yet even committed....but he knew....he already knew my name and how many times and all the ways i would betray and forsake him, and he died to take my place.  
He died to promise that we would never have to suffer for our sins.  It's the most beautiful love story ever lived out or written.

As I think about what this day means I know it is important NOT to forget the crucifixion.  It's important for us to reflect on what a price was paid that day.  However, it is equally important for us to remember HE IS RISEN.  HALLELUJAH... HE IS RISEN!!!


The moon and stars they wept
The morning sun was dead
The Savior of the world was fallen
His body on the cross
His blood poured out for us
The weight of every curse was broken
One final breath He gave
As Heaven looked away
The Son of God was laid in darkness
A battle in the grave
The war on death was waged
The power of hell forever broken
The ground began to shake
The stone was rolled away
His perfect love could not be overcome
Now death where is your sting
Our resurrected King has rendered you defeated
Forever, He is glorified
Forever, He is lifted high
Forever, He is risen
He is alive
He is alive

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